We need you!

Please could you consider joining us?

We are a team of volunteers, with a wide range of backgrounds and experience who work in Launceston and the surrounding area of North East Cornwall providing help and support to people who are worried about their debts and struggle to prioritise their bills and manage day to day budgeting.  They come to CMA Launceston to find someone who can listen and offer practical support and advice that will help them move forward with their lives.

Contrary to popular belief – you do not need a degree in finance to help CMAL!

We are currently looking for two key roles to help grow the team to better support the local needs:

  1. Money Adviser –  following appropriate training and coaching, responsible for establishing a client’s full financial situation and offering appropriate advice
  2. Adviser Assistant – providing support to one or more advisers e.g. managing mail, chasing creditors, confirming client meetings, checking data, filling in forms

If you would like to know more – please get in touch either by visiting our Contact Us page here.